You can rewire your brain towards positivity and success

Have you faced failure after failure in life? Have you lost the motivation to start any activity? Do you think that you will never accomplice anything in life?

Well! It might sound rude but actually you have created this for yourself. It's not entirely your fault because our minds have an inherent negativity bias to protect our defenseless ancestors in the wild.

However, the branch of science dealing with neurogenesis and neuroplasticity throws light on how your attitude towards life can have tremendous impact on your present condition.

Neurogenesis is the birth of new neurons and Neuroplasticity is the ability of neurons to break old unused neural circuits and form new neural circuits. Though initially it was thought that as a person reaches adulthood the brain's internal circuitry gets hardwired but recent researches shown that the hippocampus and the cerebellum continue to produce new neuron throughout the life of an individual.

Infact an extensive and complicated research by Linda Overstreet-Wadiche and Jacques Wadiche found that some of the neurons from the non-growing part of the brain completely transferred their synapses to the newly born neurons

You can tap this incredible capability of the brain to rewire and redirect your thoughts towards positivity and reinvent yourself. Your brain has the ability to modify old memories and form new memories. So its up to you as to what memories you want to create - good or bad.

The more positive you are in life, the more positive neural circuitry will be created. The more they fire, the less the negative connections will be used and eventually these unused circuits will be broken.

Positivity is the fuel for motivation and motivation will increase your success rate, be it in career or relationships.

Here are a few ways by which you can stimulate neurogenesis in your brain :

1) Stay away from negative people and negativity altogether. You need to ensure that your newly born neurons are geared towards a positive outlook. Negative people has the tendency to bring you down. Since your brain cannot distinguish between real and imaginary, it seems like whatever they say is actually true. Also dream bigger than you can achieve. Greet people, make them smile and imbibe their goodness.

2) Aerobic exercise also increase neurogenesis. Devote a minimum of 20 minutes thrice a week to staying fit.

3) Foods that increase neurogenesis are those containing omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, flavonoids, caffeine, curcumin and folic acid.

4) Sleep and optimal sex also increases neurogenesis.
