Naturally boost these 6 friendly hormones for a healthy life

An array of medical researches have proven that there are certain hormones and chemicals released in our body which is responsible for relieving stress, improving mood and calming our nerves thereby improving our overall quality of life. But the best part is we can boost them naturally. Lets have a look at them:

Learn Mindfulness Meditation to boost all 6 hormones

1. Endorphins

Endorphins are a class of neurotransmitters which is responsible for transferring signals from one neuron to other. Released in response to stress, fear or pain, these chemicals are responsible for reacting with the pain receptors of the brains. This results in euphoric feelings, increase of sex hormones and improved immunity.

 Endorphins are released during exercise, hence the feeling is  often termed as "runner's high" which is felt by athletes after strenuous exercise and established a link between exercise and reduced depression. However prolonged exercise do not produce endorphins. Foods that increase endorphins are chocolates, vanilla, red chilly, lavender and ginseng. Meditation also increases endorphins.


Gamma-aminobutyric acid or GABA is a neurotransmitter which is shown to reduce or block neuronal activity. This specially useful in persons suffering from stress, anxiety, insomnia and depression as it has a calming effect. 

Food that increase GABA are Green Tea, Passion flower, Lemon Balm, Valerian, Lavender and Nigella Sativa. Yoga and meditation also boosts GABA. Care must be taken to taken these foods in limited quantity as some of them are strong sedatives.

3. Melatonin

Melatonin is a sleep hormone produced by the pineal gland in the brain which regulates your sleep cycle. The body clock is responsible for maintaining the levels of this hormone. Melatonin levels rise from the evenings, stays high throughout the night and decreases in the dawn. Melatonin production reduces in the presence of light. It is used to reset the body clock to treat conditions of insomnia, jet lag and those working at night shifts. 

Almost all fruits and vegetable contain some amount of Melatonin but those rich in it are bananas, oats, rice, barley, tomatoes, oranges, sweet corn, almonds and walnuts. Foods rich in the animo-acid Tryptophan like chicken, cheese, tofu, yogurt, peanuts and spirulina also boosts Melatonin. Some habits like sun-bathing, turning off lights 2-3 hours before bed, taking a hot water bath, drinking hot milk before bed also increase Melatonin. Undoubtedly, Meditation also increases Melatonin.

4. Serotonin

Serotonin functions more or less like Melatonin. It regulates memory, mood, emotions, digestion, sleep and pain. Major bulk of this neurotransmitter resides in the stomach. Sun-bathing is an effective way to boost Serotonin. 

Foods rich is Vitamin B6 and Tryptophan boosts Serotonin. Meditation also boost Serotonin.

5. Dopamine

Dopamine is the most extensively researched neurotransmitter. It is responsible for attention, focus, concentration and enthusiasm. It also gives you a feeling of enjoyment and bliss. It is this substance that provide you motivation and supervises your pleasure-reward system.

 Instead of resorting to drugs and alcohol one should consume dopamine boosting food. Bananas are rich in dopamine. Dopamine is synthesized from amino acid l-tyrosine.  All animal protein contains this amino acid. Vegan sources include green leafy vegetables, apple, oregano, oats, soy products,peanuts, olive oil, beets, avocado, chocolate and fava beans. Curcumin found in turmeric, L-theanine found in tea and the herb Gingko biloba also increase dopamine levels. Studies have shown that exercise, sunlight and meditation also boosts Dopamine levels.

6. Oxytocin

The role of this hormone have actually proved how love and support can heal you not only mentally but also physically. Also known as the "bonding hormone", Oxytocin is released during bonding, orgasm, birth and lactation. It buffers the effects of stress hormone "Cortisol" and helps a person heal psychologically. Oxytocin has shown to improve gut motility and inflammation of the gastrointestinal track. No wonder our gut is called the second brain. It forms the producer and receptor site for oxytocin. So the more the oxytocin, the better the gut functions.

They say "love wins all" and Oxytocin proves so. The healing power of love, support, empathy and kind words is substantiated by a surge of Oxytocin produced during these moments. It is advised to eat fermented and probiotic food like sauerkraut and yogurt which will produce beneficial bacteria and improve gut health, produce Oxytocin which will be picked by the brain.

Meditation, specially loving-kindness meditation boosts Oxytocin.

So, next you time feel tensed or anxious you know what to do.
