Manage your dosha with this wonderful herb blend

As per Ayurveda, our body is primarily composed of three doshas (vata, pitta, and kapha) wherein one of dosha is prominent for each individual. If any of the doshas get out of balance, it affects both our body (causing physical illness) and mind (causing mental illness and affecting mood).

The food that we eat affects our dosha, either increasing or decreasing them. So it sounds great to have a holistic blend of herbs to balance all our doshas. The answer to this is Triphala.

Triphala means "Three Fruits". It is a combination of equal parts of Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) and Bibhitaki, (Terminalia belerica).

Now let us understand which dosha these fruits manage.

Amalaki (Emblica officinalis): Manages pitta and has a cooling effect on body. Assist proper functioning of liver and boost the immune system (Good source of Vitamin C).

Haritaki (Terminalia chebula): In spite of its heating nature, it still manages three doshas (vata, pitta, and kapha). Effective in removing toxins and fights obesity

Bibhitaki (Terminalia belerica): Removes excessive kapha and nourishes the respiratory system.

Benefits of Triphala

The most important benefit of Triphala is its ability to purify the digestive system. It is believed in Ayurveda that the root of all disease is the malfunctioning of digestive system and Triphala tackles the root of the ailment. It tones the muscles of the digestive system and supports the intestinal flora.

1) It removes toxins from the body due its mild laxative effect and improves digestion.
2) Boost immunity and promotes cell rejuvenation.
3) Manages obesity.
4) Stabilizes blood pressure.
5) Due to its high antioxidant content, triphala is shown to exhibit anti-cancerous properties.
6) It is anti-inflammatory in nature and prevents arthritis.

Please note that due to its mild laxative nature, Triphala may induce diarrhea or dysentry during initial cleansing process.
